"Our first thought after finding out, was that we would continue with the flea market because we had so many vendors and we did not want to let you down. We were willing to pay a fine to keep this one flea market going. Today we were informed that if we were to continue with the flea market our store and Shuga Records would be banned from any city events for a year."
and "There is a 100 year old law that says 2nd hand dealers can not be within 1000 feet of each other."
We exchanged a few emails with our pal Vanessa Messersmith at Blacklist Vintage who said:
I feel frustrated for this neighborhood and also know how hard it is to stay in business. I guess someone complained to the city...
Who would complain to the City about a flea market? Not cool, people. Not cool. Fried Bologna is seeking out an indoor space in the neighborhood to throw the flea market on Sunday so it doesn't have to be canceled. Any ideas?

SubmItted by @marrina.