Missy Heitz gets her little devil doll ready for Trick or Treating.
Andrea Swensson and Ben Clark had an outrageous Halloween bash, complete with a skull disco ball and a live set by Slapping Purses.
Janey Winterbauer and Jon Hunt make us green with envy.
Grant Mayland uses Halloween at the Kitty Cat Klub as an excuse to run around in his tighty whities a la Risky Business. Photo by Dave Eckblad. Slideshow at City Pages here.
Ladies love Halloween, PBR, and vamping in bathrooms!
LOL/OMG contributor Marina Maric makes a pretty cute Darth V.
l'etoile magazine's LOL/OMG Blog is a daily mish-mosh of the most talked about moments in local social media communications. From Facebook gossip to Twitter banter to the most buzzed about news being discussed by web-savvy locals, LOL/OMG brings you entertaining items from the seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities social media circuit (and by "seedy," we just mean "the internet").
Have an item to contribute? E-mail omg [at] letoilemagazine.com with a description, link and/or screenshot for consideration.
Editor: Kate Iverson Contributors: @marrina @theiverson @jahnapeloquin @brokenhalo
To request an event listing on letoilemagazine.com, or to inquire about advertising, e-mail kate@letoilemagazine.com
To send a promo or press release for consideration through U.S. mail:
l'etoile magazine
628 4th Street NE
2nd Floor
Minneapolis Mn 55413
Why is Minneapolis so fucking awesome?