Former Twin Citian and
City Pages blogger turned Oscar-winning Hollywood screenwriter, Diablo Cody, celebrated a Golden Globe win Sunday night for the Showtime series she created,
The United States of Tara! (note: the win was for Toni Collete's performance on the show) However, according to a tweet exchange between
Cody and her ex-husband, local musician
Jon Hunt, she wasn't invited to the event!
When the
Blue Sky Blackout rocker sent a congratulatory tweet to Cody, she replied "
Thank you! Maybe next year they will invite me."
We're not sure if she was kidding or not, but either way, Congratulations on your show's win, D.C.!
Update: Cody later tweeted "BTW, I'm at home watching. No tickets for writers/exec producers unless the whole show is nommed. Fine by me."
submitted by @letoilemagazine