Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We're the gayest!

The Advocate, America's leading LGBT interest magazine, has just named Minneapolis "the Gayest City in America." We are most flattered! The magazine admits:" Using a completely unscientific — but still strangely accurate — statistical equation, The Advocate has come up with a diverse and surprising list of where gay people are living, loving, voting, and creating communities."

Here's what they had to say about Minneapolis:

Over the past decade, Minneapolis has become the gay magnet city of the Midwest. It makes sense: People here are no-nonsense, practical, and don’t deal well with hypocrites. This is where the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America took a historic leap forward and voted to accept gay and lesbian pastors, including the Reverend Mary Albing, the denomination’s first openly lesbian pastor. And Minnesota senator Al Franken introduced the Student Non-Discrimination Act to protect LGBT youth from school bullies.

But that’s not all. Minneapolis also has the very hot Mayhem rugby team ( and a thriving bear community with events like Bob’s Bear Bash, every Wednesday night at the Saloon (

Via @BrentRadeke

Submitted by @marrina.


  1. This so teenage boy with a cheesy mustache

  2. I bet Michele Bachmann is spinning in her grave. I know she's not dead, but I can totally see her crazy ass laying in a casket anyway, because God told her to.

  3. Join Gay Twin Cities on Facebook!

  4. Minnesota is also home to a bunch of homophobic bigots who plan to introduce legislation to limit the civil rights of Gay people.
    Fight back, people!

  5. Can I call things Gay now?
