Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What the what?

Today Dessa posted this hilar photo on her Facebook page of herself with Doomtree cohorts Mike Mictlan and Cecil Otter, without explanation - except to say "Did I mention that this happened?" We'll leave it at that.

Via Dessa on Facebook
Submitted by @jahnapeloquin

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

YouTube features Bon Iver videos made by locals on main page today

How cool is this?! YouTube has jumped on the Bon Iver bandwagon upon the release of his just-release suite of music videos that accompany each song on his self-titled release. We know by now that locals Dan Huiting, Isaac Gale, David Jensen, and JoLynn Garnes worked on those videos, but YouTube has taken it a step further and featured videos from the directors featured on that album. That means videos from the directors' archives including Doomtree, Lazerbeak, Astronautalis, GAYNGS, Heiruspecs, and MN Original, featured on YouTube's main page today. Head over there now to watch the videos.

And in other Bon Iver news, his video album has snagged some high-profile press on and the Fader. Minnesota boys, you done good.

Via Dan Huiting on Facebook
Submitted by @jahnapeloquin

Monday, November 28, 2011

Minneapolis Tech Scene Gets A Shoutout From USA Today

You were probably too busy eating or shopping (it is Thanksgiving after all) to notice this fantastic piece on Minneapolis tech scene in USA TODAY. Did you know that "Some 150 young businesses are working to get companies off the ground here"? That's fantastic. As for name dropping, CoCo, the collaborative work space in St. Paul gets a mention, as well as Naiku, Qonqr, CrumplePop and a few other great start-ups.

You can read the full article here.

Submitted by @marrina.

Weekend Twitterings

Hello everybody and welcome to Weekend Twitterings, the Thanksgiving Edition where we mostly talk about food and awkward family moments. Enjoy!

She's a true fan.

Oh, my.


Champagne and strawberry pie? Fancy!





How was that?

What? When? How did we miss that??


Submitted by @marrina.

This Week in (Uploaded) Pictures

Susannah Dodge and Emily Roberts Holden whoop it up.

Seekins shills his wares at the XYandZ Gallery Black Friday Sale.

Brian Hart snaps a spooky sky.

Mischa Kamenar and friends select their tree.

Mark Jackson captures an MSP sunset.

Neza S.G. snaps some cool pix of King Kustom and the Cruisers (aka Mighty Mofos) rockin' out at Dusty's Bar.

Artist Laura Hallen snaps a dreamy in-progress fabric collage of various layers. Can't wait to see the final piece!

Jenny Dalton strolls the shore of Lake Superior.

Mike Davis and Daniel Pincas are really excited about hiking.

Stephanie Hynes shoots ethereal fashion for Gina Marie Vintage/Grethen House.

LOL/OMG's own Marina Maric samples a Borealis cocktail from Marvel Bar. Magical!

Jamie Carrera and crew prepare for their performance at the Walker's Choreographer's Evening.

Isaac Arvold comes home for a visit and goes for nature walk.

Amanda Henke snaps a rooftop view of the Rice Park Tree Lighting ceremony.

DJ Jake Rudh makes the masses dance at his pre-Turkey Day party at the Varsity.

Artist Sean Connaughty takes his pod art one step further--now they grow!

David Mendolia snaps a snazzy self portrait. We're diggin' his look!

Aaaaand the Christmas Trees come out! Photo by Angela Kreitlow.

Playatta snaps RECESS producer Ken Hannigan amidst their signature technical magic Friday night at the Varsity.

Serah Sauser shoots for HM Styling. Gorgeous!

Jim Walsh has a very patient dog.

Upload a cool pic this week? Send us a link for consideration in next week's edition to

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend Twitterings

Not even the first snow of the year could ruin the this super fun weekend, filled with rock concerts, charity balls and dance parties. Also, see who is about to fulfill her dream of visiting a cat

This.'s 5th Anniversary Party was super fun!

The following night, Semisonic performed at Butterball.


We finally got some snow.


Are those any good?

Hellz no.


We want to go to Japan too!


We love HarMar, right?

Submitted by @marrina.

This Week in (Uploaded) Pictures

CO Exhibitions opened an exhibit by Montreal graffiti/design duo, 123Klan. More photos here.

Lollycopter shows off some newly designed duds. Photo by Lars Kommienezuspadt.

Permanent interviews photographer Colleen Guenther about her retro food photography series. Interview and more pix here.

Brian Hart has a bite at Al's Breakfast.

Sohail Justin Akhavien saddles up with the letter F.

Jaime Carrera and his crew did some cool performance art at the 5 Year party!

Molly Roark snaps her cute pup frolicking!

Jennifer Scammahorn captures the downward fall.

Bowling at the BLB...a good snowy weather activity! Photo by Sallie Watson.

Mischa Kamenar snaps the snowy road.

Artist Dan Jaffe puts together a tasty creation.

Robyn Lewis snaps a shot of rapper La Manchita at her final performance as a Minnesotan, before she moves to Chicago!

Brian David snaps a pretty shot of the fresh snow accumulating.

Cutie Mackenzie LaBine likes her cereal to be cute too!

Former bar owner and current 2 Gingers Whiskey honcho Kieran Folliard signs bottles at Surdyk's in honor of the first batch of bottles to hit stores! More photos here.

Jackie Lang gets some new shoes!

Yep. It's that time again! Photo by Karl Pearson-Cater.

Zenon Dance Company rocks the spandex/kneehigh look for winter! We can dig it.

Artist David Paul Seymour makes his mark.

Upload a cool pic this week? Send us the link for consideration in next week's edition to