(Which Huiting explained to us via Facebook, "Last time I slept over we accidentally watched a Japanese porn together, hence the #notpenisfest hashtag.")

It's already been cause for everyone begging the question, “Will Bon Iver be the Arcade Fire of 2012?” (as did New York’s Village Voice Grammy nominations preview yesterday). Ben Clark (AKA @trikno) was the first to Tweet, “Who the fuck is Bon Iver?” in reference to a blog started last year around the Arcade Fire’s surprise win. And indeed, a similar tumblr site has already started up. (We wish we would have thought of it first.) And some hilarious Tweets from the confused masses, via Who the Fuck Is Bon Iver?:

Submitted by @jahnapeloquin
Who the fuck is Bon iver and y did he win over skrillex or j Cole old people r fucking stupid I've never even heard of the guy and his songs aren't event in the charts the Grammys are fucking stupid