LOL/OMG: What does Kanye smell like?

S/D: We couldn't place a specific cologne. But he smelled "baby fresh" That clean beautiful smell like when you smell a cute baby.
LOL/OMG: Does he have an entourage? (read: was there a girlfriend in sight?)
S/D: He only had his manangement team w/ him. But when we asked if he was "Keeping up w/ a Kardashian" he said he and Kim were "good friends".
LOL/OMG: How did he describe his new album?
S/D: He said that his new album is nothing like anything he has done before. And that he "finally feels like he's found his 'rap style' .
LOL/OMG: Did he talk about Minneapolis or the Midwest? Did he say he was cold?
S/D: Kanye is from Chicago, so he's used to the cold. Wasn't phazed by the weather at all.
LOL/OMG: Most memorable/interesting Kanye quote from yesterday...
S/D: Kanye on T. Swift said " she should have been offended that she won that award because she knew that should have been Beyonce's moment".
Shannan and Danni also added:
The event was great. Kanye was very forthcoming and did a wonderful job showcasing his upcoming album for the audience. He was very friendly. He is extremely passionate about everything he spoke about especially his music and his videos.
Thanks Shannan and Danni!

Photo by Stefanie Odberg.
Submitted by @marrina.
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