Wr3n shoots one of many massive snow piles. WHEN WILL IT END?!
Our own SXSW tweeter, Robyn Lewis, captures some Mictlan/P.O.S. love in the basement of the Entry on Sunday. Follow Robyn's antics during the festival (and read about the shenanigans that happened at this weekend's showcases at the Varsity and 1st Ave) at @LOLOMGSXSW
Kelsy Johnston visits the studio of Teagan White. Full interview and slideshow at Secrets of the City here.
Molly Priesmeyer considers some beautification treatments during her trip to Honduras. We want a Cute & Bear.
If Knol Tate were a cartoon, he'd be either drunk or dead, according to his sunglasses.
Nerds get cozy in the Green Lantern room at MarsCon. Photo by Damon Thrift. #awesome
l'etoile magazine's LOL/OMG Blog is a daily mish-mosh of the most talked about moments in local social media communications. From Facebook gossip to Twitter banter to the most buzzed about news being discussed by web-savvy locals, LOL/OMG brings you entertaining items from the seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities social media circuit (and by "seedy," we just mean "the internet").
Have an item to contribute? E-mail omg [at] letoilemagazine.com with a description, link and/or screenshot for consideration.
Editor: Kate Iverson Contributors: @marrina @theiverson @jahnapeloquin @brokenhalo
To request an event listing on letoilemagazine.com, or to inquire about advertising, e-mail kate@letoilemagazine.com
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l'etoile magazine
628 4th Street NE
2nd Floor
Minneapolis Mn 55413
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