Hello everybody! Monday is here and so is the newest edition of Weekend Twitterings. It's good, trust us. You went to some really strange places, did some truly silly things, witnessed girl fights and what not. Also, we're happy to report that somebody finally explained the typical Downtown Minneapolis weekend dress code to us.
Jay's #partybus2011 tweets were positively hilarious. We seriously need to do this sometime.
Again, hot.
But, but.. it would have been such a great television moment if she actually said no.
This is 100% true.
JJ gets the triple tweet of the week honor for his coverage of some "burlesquey" event.
Mark is a good boyfriend.
It's a fair warning, don't you think?
Voltage 2011 is almost here!
No. No. No.
Was is to "I'm Every Woman"? That's a great song.
And the Best Oscar tweet goes to... Neil Olstad! You lucky son of a gun.
l'etoile magazine's LOL/OMG Blog is a daily mish-mosh of the most talked about moments in local social media communications. From Facebook gossip to Twitter banter to the most buzzed about news being discussed by web-savvy locals, LOL/OMG brings you entertaining items from the seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities social media circuit (and by "seedy," we just mean "the internet").
Have an item to contribute? E-mail omg [at] letoilemagazine.com with a description, link and/or screenshot for consideration.
Editor: Kate Iverson Contributors: @marrina @theiverson @jahnapeloquin @brokenhalo
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l'etoile magazine
628 4th Street NE
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Minneapolis Mn 55413
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