Ever wanted your pressing questions about art answered by a high-falutin' curator from a major museum? Well, today is that day. From
1-3pm the Minneapolis Institute of Arts'
curators will be online and answering your questions as posted on the museum's
Facebook wall. The q&a sesh is inspired by last year's "
Ask a Curator Day" on Twitter, during which 360+ curators from museums the world over spent the day answering questions via the social networking site. Cool, eh?
MIA cites examples of possible questions such as: What is your favorite 'back story' about a masterwork at the MIA? What advice would you give college students who aspire to be curators? What’s your favorite work of art at the MIA, or in the world? And so on and so forth. Ask away!
Click HERE for the MIA's Facebook page. Curators will be online from 1-3pm today, February 3rd.
Submitted by @TheIverson
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