Wow. We're not sure what to say about this event because we're so busy laughing, but hey, how often do you get to rub elbows with the REAL Principal Belding? Yep, Belding a.k.a. actor Dennis Haskins will be on hand at The Shout House's weekly '80s night to judge a random Saved by the Bell costume contest. Dress up like your favorite character from the hit show: Screech (obviously), Zach, Slater, Kelly, Lisa, or Jessie (Showgirls costumes while likely appreciated, do not apply). Strut your stuff for Belding, dance to '80s tunes, do karaoke, sip $2 Vodka Red Bulls, Captain Cokes and "Zwack Morrises" and bask in the artificial light glow of Block E's Shout House. The event starts at 7 p.m. and is free and open to the public. For more info visit www.theshouthouse.com/mpls. (-Secrets of the City)
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Submitted by @TheIverson
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