High-tech! The MIA tweeted a pretty cool link today. Photographer David MaCauly has documented the galleries at the MIA's Foot in the Door 4 exhibit and morphed 'em together via Microsoft Photosynth, an online service that allows you to mash your pics together to create a 3D scene that viewers can move around in. Basically, it allows for a zoom-in-able 360 degree view of the entire installation. Pretty darn cool. The exhibit remains on view at the museum through June 13th.
We're already playing "name that artist."
And just for fun, here's a YouTube vid of a project we did with Clement Shimizu a couple years ago for mnartists.org for a two-projector installation at the Soap Factory that calls to mind local art overload.
l'etoile magazine's LOL/OMG Blog is a daily mish-mosh of the most talked about moments in local social media communications. From Facebook gossip to Twitter banter to the most buzzed about news being discussed by web-savvy locals, LOL/OMG brings you entertaining items from the seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities social media circuit (and by "seedy," we just mean "the internet").
Have an item to contribute? E-mail omg [at] letoilemagazine.com with a description, link and/or screenshot for consideration.
Editor: Kate Iverson Contributors: @marrina @theiverson @jahnapeloquin @brokenhalo
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