But Secrets/MNSpeak lovers don't despair: the site's editors Kate Iverson (who, yes, is also the editor of LOL/OMG and l'étoile) and Cristina Cordova (though she's planning a move to Puerto Rico very soon) plan to stick around for the immediate future - but they've declined offers to take over the administrative/financial aspects of the site. So, in other words: Secrets is looking for a motivated, like-minded group to grab the reigns and run with it! The site comes with a solid reader base, as well as with a plenty of opportunities to make moola for a dedicated investor and plenty of room for growth and expansion. The perfect opp for a social media-savvy business or collective to jump into the online media fray!
Matt posted on the site today offering:
- MNSpeak blog and archives
- Daily Secrets written by Kate Iverson
- A list of 8,000 opt-in email subscribers on the Daily Secrets and Weekly Deals lists
- The 5-year-old Theater All Year ticket program
- An event and restaurant database with over 2,600 local venues (including 800 restaurants)
-We don’t necessarily need a single person or organization to take everything off our hands. We wouldn’t mind splitting off MNSpeak as a stand-alone site like back in the old days. The other assets are severable as well
-The email lists are only for sale to someone who intends to use them exactly as they are used now, for daily secrets and weekly deals.
Interested parties can contact honcho Matt Bartel at matt@secretsofthecity.com for more details. To hear what MNSpeak and Secrets readers are saying about the impending change, click HERE.

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