The first announcement came just over a month ago, revealing that the event will take place four consecutive Tuesdays this summer, August 3, 10, 17, and 24. A full line-up of bands/movies was announced today and it's pretty impressive: Communist Daughter, Marijuana Deathsquads, Mayda, Red Pens? We're so there. The organizers came up with a pretty good list of "local" movies: Raising Arizona and Fargo by the Coen Brothers, Diablo Cody's Juno, and Nobody, a movie directed and co-written by Minneapolis transfer and 40 Days and 40 Nights writer, Rob Perez. Bonus: following the movie screening each night, the action will move to Nick and Eddie for an official after party with awesome DJs and dranx.
For full schedule and more details go to Gimme Noise blog.

Submitted by @marrina.
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