Kristoffer Knutson and Lindsey Tauer take in some karaoke at the Red Stag.
Charlie Brackney touches up a model's hair at a recent photo shoot for designer Maritza Ramierz. Photo by Amy Gee.
@Luluislisa snapped this hilarious typo on the First Ave star meant for ZUZU'S Petals. Speaking of Zuzu's Petals, we really think they should play a reunion show (hint hint).
There's a Weezer gang sign? Apparently so, as Jay Gabler proves at the Basilica Block Party. More pics and article on TC Daily Planet here.
Thom Pham takes his employees on a tour of his soon-to-open new restaurant space in Downtown Minneapolis, Wanderers Wondrous Azian Kitchen. We can't wait to try it!
We LOVE this awesome shot of cutie Thea Jensen by Vanessa Meade, and we really want to know WHAT is going on in this picture!
Christian Erickson and his son Dominic check out the Star Wars in Concert show at the Xcel.
The Soo Visual Arts Center celebrates its first exhibit in its new space! Welcome back!
Daniel Peet has a cool series of photos entitled "Thru Windows" that features photos shot through windows -- car or otherwise. We love it!
Paul Duhram snaps Blue Sky Blackout rockin' the stage at the Basilica Block Party. Their littlest fan (and daughter of BSB drummer Marc Iwanin) seems to be enjoying the show!
Former Minneapolitan and current Spaniard Mikal Arnold poses with a flower/represents in Madrid. Awwwww! We can't imagine how crazy it is in Spain right now with the World Cup win. Hopefully Mikal will post some pics soon!
Harmar and Mallman pose by his new 1st Ave star. Nice!
Lynsee Lauritsen uploads her fashion photography portfolio to Facebook. We love this one!
Local fashion designer (and apparent awesome photog!) George Moskal snapped this cool shot with his iphone. The composition is interesting, with the shed, the smoke stack and the electricity thingy in the background. p.s.-we always thought those things looked like giant metal cats.
Miz Daria Kolganova tries out her homemade Limon-infused vodka. What do we have to do to get a bottle "for review?" ;)
Chuck Olson snaps some boats. Which one would you drive? We'd go with the Weenie Mobile.
Jaime Carrera captures the essence of this blue guy at the Cult Status Gallery opening for The Peep Show exhibit. For the majority of the night this guy stood blindfolded in a cocoon of barbed wire. Yep.
This week's WTF pic comes to you courtesy of Ali Lozoff, who visited Texas this weekend. Yee haw!
Who loves rock n' roll? This guy. Posted by @LawOfficesofJJ
Upload a cool pic this week? Send the link for consideration to!
l'etoile magazine's LOL/OMG Blog is a daily mish-mosh of the most talked about moments in local social media communications. From Facebook gossip to Twitter banter to the most buzzed about news being discussed by web-savvy locals, LOL/OMG brings you entertaining items from the seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities social media circuit (and by "seedy," we just mean "the internet").
Have an item to contribute? E-mail omg [at] with a description, link and/or screenshot for consideration.
Editor: Kate Iverson Contributors: @marrina @theiverson @jahnapeloquin @brokenhalo
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l'etoile magazine
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Minneapolis Mn 55413
lol @ Chuck Olson's photo; blue dolphin... :)